Committed to innovation at the intersection of Regenerative Agriculture and Social Responsibility.

As a co-creative consultant, I support farms in implementing social responsibility programs and achieving certification.

While working in Certification systems, I see much room for innovation. More importantly, this innovative work must be a communal effort of all participants within the ecosystem.


What do we think of when we hear “ethical” or “fair”?

What are our assumptions when we see any consumer product labeled “ethical”? These questions anchor my work and guide my lifestyle.

Curiosity about food production systems and the human relationships that make them possible led me to become a social and labor auditor, and an organic and Biodynamic® inspector. I have conducted hundreds of inspections and audits across the Americas for the National Organic Program, the Demeter USA Farm Standard, and social responsibility programs such as Equitable Food Initiative and Fair Trade.

How I can help:

  • Orient you to the landscape of Certification programs addressing social responsibility

  • Help you identify which program aligns best with your organization’s values and culture

  • Support you in achieving certification

  • Frame functional, effective internal systems that comply with requirements

  • Collaborate with institutions and organizations of all sizes and sectors to research, develop, and apply social responsibility-focused initiatives


My mission is to be a thoughtful partner in advancing the systems used to produce and market "ethical" food and products.